Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What if the big three got bought by the computer community?

Sitting at Stef and Cory's house, thought I'd write something for the first time in months.

This is what would happen if, instead of a government bailout package, the computer community bought out the big three.

Microsoft buys GM:
Each of the subsidiary companies of GM would be in charge of a different type of car: 
Business class cars would run very well but have absolutely no luxuries,  not even a stereo. They would be less customizable than the other types of GM cars, in that they only come in one color: Black, and you can't change anything about them except for the vanity licence plate. They would run fast and only corporations could buy them on a corporate license.
Home Standard cars would basically be business class cars that come in a few more colors: white, black, red, blue, and a horrible shade of jeweled green, all of which have the windows logo branded on the hood which can't be removed. These cars would have a fully functioning stereo/CD player but no power locks or windows. The paint job can be customized only by removing every panel from the outside of the car and replacing them with ones built from scrap metal, then painted. 
Home Premium cars would have more luxuries than Home Standard, including power locks and windows, a built-in hard drive to store your songs on, and a GPS system. However, the GPS would routinely BSOD and have to be reinstalled. These cars woulld break down a lot more than the Business or Home Standard, as Microsoft Auto can only really focus on making one thing in the car good, at the sake of everything else. The colors available would be exactly the same as Home Standard cars, except each color could be purchased in a shiny version with little LED lights  under the hood that make it look all cool. You can customize the paint job only in the same way as the Home Standard cars.
Ultimate cars would basically do everything but fly. Colors available would be anything imaginable except for gun metal (they don't want their cars to get confused with Apple cars). Ultimate cars can also be purchased by corporations, but only for their higher-ups, as they look too pretty to be used by the simple peon.
Microsoft cars (except for Business class) would fall apart promptly as soon as the next version of Microsoft cars was released, requiring a new purchase. You can also never resell a Microsoft car (again, excluding Business class, which can be resold to any other corporation). Once it is time to replace it, you must simply scrap it and buy an entirely new car. Microsoft will of course sell "upgrade" kits, but that only saves you like $50, and you have to use some parts from the old car to build the new one yourself.

Apple buys Chrysler:
Every car made by Apple automotive would be available in only three colors: white, black, and gun metal. They would look incredible, like a ferrari on steroids, but the maximum speed would be 70 mph. All commercials would be targeted toward college students, even though the price of their cheapest car would be $40,000. 
Under the hoods would be the exact same engines as their Microsoft auto counterparts, but covered in a thin sheen of gun metal and stamped with the apple logo. These cars would run FOREVER, but anyone owning one more than two years old would be branded a loser. 
Inside the Apple car, there would be no steering  wheel, but instead a touch screen across the entire dashboard. The pedals would be replaced with a single pedal, and therefore to break you have to hold down a button on the center console and press down on that single pedal. Turning would be controlled with the touchscreen, and so about 10% of the time when you're trying to turn right, you'd turn left and crash. The stereo would be amazing, and also controlled with the touchscreen, and you could browse the web and talk on your iPhone while driving, all using the on-dash touchscreen. Of course, the only music you can listen to is Dave Matthews Band or U2. 
The Apple car could only be refuled at genuine Apple Fuel stations, which there would only be one of in each state. The fuel would be more expensive, of course, and would consist of nothing but diesel fuel infused with liquid pretentiousness.

The Linux community buys Ford:
Linux cars would run on grass clippings and go from zero to sixty in 0.4 seconds. However, to install anything such as a CD player or a sunroof, you must take the entire car apart and put it back together again. The car's paint job would be automatically controlled from the inside console, but you need to know the hexadecimal code of the color you want to input it. Some Linux cars would be reconditioned Microsoft or Apple cars, but some would be built specifically for Linux Auto, and these would have, instead of a Microsoft or Apple engine, the engine from a moped, supercharged, which would run for 5 years on a single bag of grass clippings. There would be no Linux Auto garages, as every Linux driver is by definition a do-it-yourself mechanic. If your Linux Auto broke down, and you couldn't fix it, you could post a message on the Linux Auto message board and then subsequently be attacked over the internet by 500 douchebag Linux drivers who think they know how to fix it. They would all be wrong.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Party of epic insanity

Ok so here's a crazy story:
So I come home here from Houston to visit everyone. Awesome time. I loved hanging out with everyone and had a great time at the party on Saturday night. However, after the party ended the craziest shit ever happened.
So I'm laying in bed with Melissa, in the midst of falling asleep, and I start to hear the sounds of some sexytime going on. I assumed it was Mel's roommate Amanda and the guy she was hanging out with earlier that night. However, then I realized that it wasn't coming from Amanda's room. It was closer than that.
I walk out Melissa's bedroom door, and I notice two things. One: The bathroom door is ajar. Two: I hear the following thing being said from behind said door: "Baby, your pussy is so sweet".
So a minute later this girl (who was a random person who had shown up to the party but no one really knew) came out completely naked. And this girl was not real attractive. Her fatrolls had fatrolls.
I proceed to say "Seriously?" and she backs into the bathroom. I assume they were putting their clothes back on while I walked back into Mel's bathroom to tell her what i saw. I walk back out, and this girl is sitting on her boyfriend's lap, with his pants around his ankles, on a chair out in the living room. I think they were still having sex. Not sure though. I kicked them out.

We found out in the five minutes following their departure that they had actually been having sex in the laundry room first, then moved to the bathtub. They also ripped Melissa's shower curtain off, which made her really mad because it is a really nice shower curtain.


Really messed up man. That's all I got right now.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Ok, seriously... foreign professors... please learn English

I'm sitting in Molecular Methods, and I'm trying to follow what's going on. But I can't. Why?

Because the professor, just like every professor at my Alma Mater, UMBC, is foreign, and can't speak English for shit. 

I'm literally getting every third word, maybe. The only way I can tell what he's talking about at all is by following his laser pointer as he highlights words on the Powerpoint presentation. Worse yet, he's talking about yeast genetics, which is boring and stupid in its own right.

Seriously, if you're gonna teach in the US, you've gotta learn how to speak. Please. PLEASE!!!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Houston + Ike = OMG CRAZY

For anyone who would read my blog and has not yet talked to me, yes I'm alive.

Ike was definitely the scariest and most exciting storm I've ever been through. Here's how my weekend went:

Thursday, Sept. 11th - Classes were cancelled starting at 3pm, despite the fact that the storm wasn't supposed to hit us until Friday night. I thought this was odd.

Friday, Sept. 12th - Stayed at home with my friend Amanda and the cats that I am currently cat-sitting, just hanging out and enjoying a day off. My other friend Brandi also ended up coming over at around 4pm, and we all planned to weather the storm together. We had constant hurricane coverage on the TV for basically the entire day. We watched as Galveston was destroyed by Ike's fury. 

At around 9pm, we started to get some wind and rain. Not a big deal really. We were still watching TV on my futon. I had blown up air matresses for both girls to sleep on for the night, and they were probably lounging on them at that point.

Around 10:30, we started to see some heavy winds. The rain got seriously hard. Luckily, we were realizing that my windows are parallel to the direction the wind was blowing. This is probably the only thing that saved my apartment from serious damage.

Saturday, Sept. 13 - At 1:30, we were still watching storm coverage as the storm raged around us. We had been watching teal-colored lightning flashes for several hours, and the wind was very VERY loud. The power went out at this point, after we saw a huge, green flash that lasted about 10 seconds, obviously a transformer being destroyed.

By 3:30 am, we were each laying on our little makeshift beds, staring out my sliding glass doors, trying to sleep but finding that it was impossible with the howling wind outside. We got to see things like parts of roofs and pieces of metal fly past the window, sometimes we even got to see them hit cars outside my windows. Luckily my car ended up ok.

At some point I must've fallen asleep, cuz it was eventually morning and the storm hadn't completely let up. Once we were sure the storm was over, we went outside to see the damage. I'm not going to repost the pictures, because I'm sure all of you can look at my facebook to see them. If not, let me know and I'll send them to you. Suffice it to say there was plenty of damage to EVERYTHING in Houston. My apartment complex was pretty lucky compared to some others that I saw in subsequent days. Trees uprooted, roofs destroyed, cars completely smashed by debris, etc. It was scary to see what we had just sat through and emerged unscathed.

We opened all the windows because it was starting to get stuffy in my apartment without A/C. The three of us hung out in my apartment until about 5pm, when Brandi decided to go back to her place. She called us later to let us know that she had power, so Amanda and I went over to her apartment where we stayed for several nights. We drank ourselves to a fun state, calling it our Post-Ike party. Again, pictures on Facebook of me and the girls.

Tuesday, Sept. 16th - We decided we'd try to go to a movie. Unfortunately we got to the theater and found that they were closed still, surprisingly. On our drive home, Amanda's car almost fell into a sinkhole 3 feet deep, which would probably have destroyed her car. We saw half of the city black, with homeless people on every corner who looked like they should be sitting in their living rooms enjoying their TV, except for the signs that said "Homeless and hungry". Scary stuff.

Wednesday, Sept. 17th - It was announced the night before that school would start back up for us Grad students, even though the Med school students don't have class again until Monday the 22nd. I went to class, etc, and went back to Brandi's apartment. I had been checking my apartment each day, checking on the cats and the electricity. The electricity had finally come back on, and I started to get things back to a reasonable living arrangement. 

Today, Thurs. Sept. 18th - I still don't have TV or internet at home, so I'm still spending most of my time over at Brandi's apartment. Amanda will apparently not have power for at least another week, so she's living with Brandi until then. All in all, we actually were extremely lucky. Next time there's a "category 2" or higher hurricane, i'm getting the fuck out, if not for safety's sake then for convenience. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Worst beer ever

Ok, so I'm doing the beer club at this awesome bar called Flying Saucer here in Houston. This bar is so amazing, they actually have Chimay on tap. If you don't know what Chimay is, you don't understand beer. It's that simple.

So we went there tonight, and the first beer I got was delicious, especially with the cheese combination that was suggested by the menu.

That's right... not cheese and wine.... cheese and beer. Amazing.

So I had my smoked Gouda with a delicious Kolsch called St. Arnold Lawnmower. Good stuff.

Then my best Houston friend, Amanda, told me that she was picking my next beer. Apparently she had had this beer with a few of her girlfriends a few years back, and it was awful. It tastes, as she described it, like Fruity Pebbles mixed with rubbing alcohol.

Now, most of you are saying to yourselves, "He would never drink this shit, right?"


See, I have to drink 200 beers at this bar to get my name put on the wall. That's my goal. So, on 2.75 pint night (Monday nights), I've decided to have at least one beer that I would never try on my own.

Tonight, it was this monstrosity:

This horrible excuse for a beer is called the "Leinenkugels Sunset Wheat".


It was probably the second worst beer I've ever had (right behind La Chapeau Pineapple Lambic, which almost made me puke.)

This beer really does taste like fruity pebbles. It's horrible. And the worst part is, the waitress was like "Oh, that one's good."

Yeah. Good. If you love to lick shit off the bottom of your foot after walking through a dog park. That kind of deliciousness. Ugh.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Tokio Hotel in Houston

I just got back from a really sweet concert. The band is from Germany, and they're called Tokio Hotel.

Now I really like their music, but I've gotta say, since they hit MTV they've gotten a fan base in the US that reminds me of a Backstreet Boys concert. The fans were about 80% teenage girls. This is probably because of the way their lead singer looks. Take a look:

Obviously with a lead singer that could easily be the most gender-nonspecific 18-year-old guy on the planet, along with a really cool accent and the singing voice of a 13 year old opera prodigy, he gets lots of swoons in the 12-17 year old girl crowd.

Besides all that though, it was a very fun concert. This was apparently their last concert of their US tour, so I'm glad we caught it. I'll be adding some photos and videos to my facebook profile, so feel free to check those out.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Star Wars: The Clone Wars [aka Lucas's attempt to be Pixar]

Ok, so I am a die-hard Star Wars fan. I've seen all of the movies several times (even Episode 1, which sucked comparatively to the others).

So I decided it was necessary for me to go see Lucas' newest creation, "The Clone Wars".
Now, going into this, I knew that the movie was rated PG and meant for a much younger audience than episodes 5 and 6 of the real saga were. I was expecting a lot of comic relief and such.

I NEVER expected this:

This is Ziro the Hutt. Jabba's uncle. Yes, I'm serious. It's bad enough that they brought in old Jabba's family, but Ziro is very special.

Zero is a transvestite hutt. he speaks with a southern accent and sounds like a southern belle. He wears purple feathers on his head. He's basically Ru Paul of hutts. There was an interview with one of the creators featured on MTV's Movies Blog:

Ok, but on to the rest of the movie:
It sucked. Absolutely bottom-of-the-barrel stuff. The ENTIRE MOVIE was just stupid little one-liner quips by Anakin (NOT PLAYED BY HAYDEN CHRISTIENSEN!!!!???!?!?!?!??!?!?!) and by his new padawan, Ahsoka.

Anakin's new voice actor doesn't sound anything like Hayden. They didn't even try. At least Obi-Wan's new voice actor sounds a little bit like Ewan McGregor.

Ahsoka was a whiny little girl who called Anakin "Sky-guy" throughout the whole movie. Why? Because that would annoy us more. That has to be it.

Even the droids were made to seem like idiotic little teenage boys squabbling over a Hustler magazine. One of my favorite parts of the entire movie is when the newest sith, named Ventress (We'll get to that in a second) pushed one of the regular droid soldiers over the edge of a cliff, and in his mechanical Steven-Hawking-style voice he yells "WHYYYYYYYYYYYY???" on the way down to the jagged rocks below. Freakin hilarious.

Ok, on to "Ventress". Ventress seems, from the story, to be a new sith pupil of Count Dookoo. Here's the problem with that. Does anyone remember what Yoda said back in episode 1? "Always two there are, no more, no less. A master, and an apprentice." This is how the sith are supposed to work. There is a single master, and a single apprentice. If Dookoo wanted to take an apprentice, he would have to kill the Emperor first. That's how it works. But, of course, they wanted someone else for Anakin and Obi-Wan to fight, so they just built in another sith. Pathetic.

My last gripe about the movie comes from the basic plot, which was "OMGNOES, Jabba's son is be captured! Jedi-men, go save him!!"


So the basic plot is that Jabba's son, who looks like a little slug with anime-eyes, was kidnapped by bounty hunters. Mace Windu and Yoda decide that in order to establish good relations, and therefore trade-routes, with the Hutts, they'll get the baby slug back. They, of course, send Obi-Wan and Anakin on the job.

A rescue mission for the son of one of the most well-known criminals in the galaxy. By Jedi. They couldn't have sent some clones? No. They sent two of their GENERALS in the war on this mission. There's no way they'd be that stupid.

Alright, it's time for me to go to class, but basically, the movie is worth seeing with friends so that you can laugh at it. That's all. Don't pay to see it in theatres, wait until you can get the DVD from netflix and then just watch it with a bunch of friends and laugh at the stupidity.


So I figured I'd add the rest of the story.

When myself and two of my new friends down here in Houston went to see this amazing film, we decided to park across the street from the theater since we couldn't find the entrance to the garage. We parked at a chinese-restaurant looking place and walked over to the theater.

Apparently we didn't notice the signs that said "We will tow your ass away, don't park here."

So, we get out of this terrible movie, laughing at the sheer ridiculousness of it, and we don't see Brandi's car. Uh-oh. We walk over to where it was parked, and then we see the sign. Great. So I called the towing company, and of course they have her car. I had to call my other friend Amanda to come pick us up.

Brandi went to get her car the next day, and they charged her $207 to get it back. INSANE!!!

Ok I think that's officially the end of the story now.