It's been a while since I've posted anything on here, but I need to get some stuff off my chest. Both before and since the passage of health care reform, the people in our country have been pissing me off to no end. I'll start the post with a video of a woman named Victoria Jackson saying that Glenn Beck has taught her well, "progressive" is the new word for "communist":
Now, you need to understand what irritates me most about hearing anyone make the statements in that video. She's not the only one.
Recently, the GOP has been attacking pretty much anything that involves a Democrat in any way, saying that anyone who supports the health care reform bill is "unpatriotic" and "communist" at the core. I'd like to point out that the health care bill contains very little to actually change the way that our health care system runs right now. The biggest changes it makes are to give an option for health insurance to those who, as of right now, cannot afford it. Here is an infographic explaining the good and bad things about the health care bill, which I find to be very informative. There is also an article on that explains the most important bits of the bill. I especially enjoy the part of the bill adding a significant tax on tanning beds, which New Jersey citizens have vehemently rejected. Honestly, the only problem I see with the bill, which has now passed both the House and the Senate and been signed into law by President Obama, is the REQUIREMENT that everyone in the US have some type of health insurance, or be fined, by 2014. This is considered an affront to our rights by many, and there is a large contingent of states currently working on repealing that section of the bill .
This doesn't stop Rep. Brian Bilbray (R-CA) from blatantly lying that the health care bill will move TRICARE (the military medical care system) out of DoD hands and into the “same department that handles welfare” Here's the video.
I believe that the outright hatred being shown by conservatives everywhere for the health care bill is only a symptom of a much larger, scarier trend that we are seeing recently. What is happening now more than ever before is that the media is showing us only the most radical idiots on both sides of politics. Case in point: A Christian militia group called the “Hutaree” were raided by the Feds in Indiana, Michigan and Ohio for planning to kill several police officers, hoping to “touch off a larger uprising against the government”.
Many of these extremists have been set off by hatred-inciting speech by GOP leaders... Sarah Palin suggested on the evening of the passage of health care that her followers should "reload" rather than "retreat" and has been using crosshair markings on her Facebook page to identify Democrats that she plans to defeat in the upcoming election. Speech like that has also incited direct threats against our congressmen and their families, like the death threats against representative Eric Cantor.
Along with their hate-inspiring language, Republicans have been talking of secession: Republican National Convention chairman Michael Steele defended Texas's right to secede just days before he was found to be using RNC funds to pay for trips to a bondage-themed faux-lesbian strip club .
So, here's what I'm going to propose. Below, I've attached an image simply showing our 50 states. I'm proposing that, if the Repubs really want to make their own country where abortions carry a death sentence and gun control is simply every single person owning and carrying an UZI at all times, let them try it. I've marked the states that they can have in red. Yes, I realize I'm currently living in one of them, Texas, but I would of course come back to my home state of Maryland before this happens.
Here are some reasons for specific states joining the new "Republican States of America":
This one's the easiest. Texans have been warning of secession ever since we won the giant state from Mexico. Texas currently leads our country in executions, and in fact is 7th in the world for executions in 2009 , falling behind only a handful of countries including Yemen, Saudia Arabia, Iraq, Iran, and China.
The Texas board of education has also been touting their conservative agenda and using it to force their views on the children of our country, as evidenced by the recent legislation requiring teachers in Texas to cover the Judeo-Christian influences of our nations founding fathers . Curriculum standards also will describe the U.S. government as a "constitutional republic," rather than "democratic", obviously trying to downplay Democrats.
Texas legislators have also recently passed a bill exempting Texas-made firearms from federal regulations. They tout this as an exercise of "States' rights", but personally I think it's disgusting that they think they can trump federal law with their own. South Dakota and Wyoming have passed similar bills.
Following along with Texas's board of ed, Utah legislators have passed a bill asking for “independent verification” of climate change before any regulation of carbon dioxide levels take effect passes, despite pleas by prominent scientists at Brigham Young University and U of Utah.
They've also passed legislation “preventing” health care reform from taking effect in Utah without the consent of the Utah state government, and Oklahoma has followed suit.
South Carolina
As you can see above, I put South Carolina and Georgia in the RSA, splitting poor Florida off completely from the rest of us. This is simply because South Carolina is possibly the most white-trash, backwoods group of people on earth, and they don't deserve to be part of a civilized society. Case in point, a woman in SC turned her trailer home into a strip club catering exclusively for teenage boys, charging $5 per lap dance and $20 for a "VIP Special".
South Carolina is also the home of the asshole Representative who yelled "You lie!" during President Obama's speech to the House. Democrats in SC are widely stereotyped as "the black party".
This one was a given, but I just wanted to point out that only in fucking Georgia could someone come up with an all-white basketball league and not be run out of town by those of us who don't like racism.
Alright, I can't type anymore, but you get the gist of my ideas here. Let the rednecks secede and see if they can handle themselves. I'm pretty sure after about a year they'd be crawling back to us, asking us for aid.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Ranting time... can't handle the idiots in our country anymore...
Posted by cartmanbeck at 5:28 PM
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So, you've created a map (PS, why do we have to keep WV?) time to write a new constitution for them because clearly ours uses too many big words and has much in it that they disagree with.
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